News: EnoTourism is law!!!!

For the first time, the wine tourism come into the italian legislative context with the Financial Law. The emendment at comma 292 (art.1) says: “EnoTourism includes all wine knowledge activities made on the production site, visits to cultivation, production or tools exhibition sites useful for the vine growing, products tasting and sales, in pairing with food also, didactic and recreational initiatives in winery context”.

All the wineries and bottling companies in Doc, Docg, Igt zone may take advantage of this new regulation and be protected. Today, to be officially booked are visits (cellar and vineyards), tastings, entertainment and tourist package creation through sector operators, harvest turism or allow the visitor to take part of the harvest, stipulate insurance to third parts and visitors. Just until yesterday, none of this would have been possibile because it was not regulated but today it is allowed. The next comma 293 and 295 introduces the new fiscal regulation and meets bureaucratic guidelines for the enoturistic activity start.

Società Agricola Tre Castelli s.s.

Via San Francesco, 2/A - 60039 Staffolo (AN) ITALIA
Tel/Fax +39 0731 779283
E-mail: info@vignedileo.it
P.IVA: 01580170429


MON-FRI 8.30 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.30
SAT 09.00 - 12.30



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